St Andrews' College Language Schools offer a wide variety of indoor and outdoor sporting activities.
They have been chosen to meet the needs of all students regardless of gender, age or ability.
Activities that we offer include but are not limited to:
- Football (both indoor and outdoor)
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Handball
- Touch Rugby
- Yoga
- Zumba and Fitness classes
- Badminton and Tennis
- Dancing
- Rounders
- Hockey
- Softball
- Athletic Competitions
- Swimming at local Leisure Centre*
Adding to the fun, competitions and championships are organised throughout each course with all students encouraged to take part.
* There might be an additional charge.
Arts and Crafts
Our skilled staff offer a range of creative arts and workshops throughout the course of the summer.
Numbers are limited to ensure that the maximum benefit is gained by all students in a workshop.
Students are encouraged to display their work to staff and other students.
Activities that we offer include but are not limited to:
- Jewellery Making
- Make Over Workshop
- Nail Art
- Art Workshops
- Clay Modelling
- Printing
- Mask Making
- Sketching
Performance & Games
St. Andrew's College offers a wide range of performance workshops in every campus where the students can...
- Boost their confidence,
- Increase life skills
- Learn new acting or dance disciplines.
Activities that we offer include but are not limited to:
- Drama
- Musical Theatre
- Conversation Workshops
- Indian Head massage
- Orienteering
- Robot Racing
- Wide Games
- Street Dancing Workshop
Combining singing, dancing and acting, a musical theatre workshop gives the students the opportunity to try all three skills in English at once in a very fun and entertaining way!
Evening Activities
Evening activities commence every day at 8.00pm and go on until 10.00pm*.
These activities are designed to allow students from different countries to socialise, make friends and, of course, practise their English in a more relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Activities that we offer include but are not limited to:
- Film Presentations
- Quiz Nights
- Scavenger Hunts
- Bingo Night
- Themed Discos
- Treasure Hunts
- Blind Date
- Mini Highland Games
- Karaoke Competitions
- Mini Olympics
- Talent Contests
- Fancy Dress Competitions
- Staff vs Students Sports Challenges
- Traditional Scottish Nights and Ceilidh
* See individual campuses for specific timetables.